Magnet tool»
The Magnet tool (U) is used to add and remove links to Power Guides manually.

Adding links»
To add a link to a guideline/metric/zone using the Magnet tool:
Choose the Magnet tool in the Toolbar.
Position the mouse cursor on the node you want to link. Press the mouse button and drag to the guideline / metric / zone you want to link to.
You will see a green dotted line with an arrow that links the node with the guideline/metric/zone, which is now a Power guide.

Removing links»
To remove links between all Power guides and nodes in a glyph select the Glyph > Disconnect Power Guides menu command. Notice that if you move the Power guides after this operation, they will still move proportionally, but the glyph will not be modified.
To remove links from a particular node, select the Magnet tool from the Toolbar, position the mouse cursor on that node, press the mouse button and drag somewhere in the white space, and then release. All links originating from this node will be removed.