Briem’s notes on type design: Glossary¶

- Anti-aliasing
- The enlarged detail shows how grayscaling smooths the edges of a bitmap.

- Arm
- A horizontal, free at one end.

- Ascender
- Part of a lower case letters that rises above the x-height.
- Ascii
- American Standard Code of Information Interchange: a list of 128 numbered characters and print commands. Another 128 are known as “upper-ascii” or “extended-ascii.” Their arrangement is not a part of the standard, and differs from one operating system to the next.

- Bar
- A horizontal in such letters as A e t.

- Baseline
- An imaginary line that most characters seem to rest on.
- Bézier curve
- Polynomial curve; an established standard in computer-aided geometric design.

- Bitmap
- Letter image made of dots, especially in low-resolution, where the dots can be seen.

- Bowl
- A curve that encloses a space in a character.

- Cap height
- The height of capital letters.

- Cap line
- An imaginary line at the top of capitals.
- Character set
- A group of characters, numerals, symbols, and punctuation, usually in the same style.

- Counter
- The white space inside a letter.

- Descender
- Part of a character that goes below the baseline.

- Ear
- Small stroke that sticks out of the to of the top of the letter g.
- Hairline
- Thinnest part of a character, usually on a curve.

- Kern
- Part that goes outside the body of the character.

- Kerning
- Exceptions to character widths. In the example on the left, the gap between the letters Y and e is too wide. In the example on the right, the letter e has been shifted to the left.

- Midline
- An imaginary line at the top of lower case letters without ascenders.
- Pixel
- One dot on a computer screen, often equivalent to one point.
- Point
- Typographic measure, about 1 / 72 of an inch.

- Serif
- A stroke at the beginning or the end of some letterforms.
- Shading
- Thickening of a curve.

- Sidebearings
- The distance between either side of a character to the boundaries of the character width.

- Spine
- The main curve of the letter s.

- Stem
- Main stroke, usually straight and upright.
- Stress
- Thickening of a curve.

- x-height
- The distance from the baseline to the top of lower case letters without ascenders.
- The proportion between the height of ascenders and lower case letters without ascenders.
Notes on type design. Copyright © 1998, 2001, 2022 Gunnlaugur SE Briem. All rights reserved. Republished with permission in 2022 by Fontlab Ltd.