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Element Stickers»

Sometimes you may need to add a description or some other information to an element or a glyph. In FontLab, you can do that using Stickers. A Sticker is a small text box that you can attach to a glyph. It is visible in the Glyph Window. You can create as many Stickers as you wish.

Like Glyph Notes, Stickers can be used for leaving comments when you work on fonts in a team. The difference is that Stickers are not visible in the Font Window; you only see them when you open the glyph for editing.

To add a Sticker in the Glyph window, choose the Element > New Sticker menu command. The default Pay attention! Sticker will appear in the editing field:

Click the Sticker to make edits:

Use gray dots to change the size of the Sticker; blue dots to draw arrows pointing to some parts of the glyph outline; and click again on the Sticker text to enter your own comment. You can change Sticker attributes including text and background colors in the Elements panel.

To remove the arrow, double-click its starting point.

To remove the whole Sticker, select it and press BkSp or click the button in the Elements panel.

See Glyph Cell Marks for a reference to different ways in which a glyph cell can be marked or colored in the Font Window.